Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A Lot of Changes

  I don't have a lot to report on regarding the mission life in quarantine, or what our District Leader Elder Bobadilla calls "incubation", but we did just receive many announcements regarding what is to be expected in the near future. First I want to tell you that I am happy believe it or not, even though this situation is not the most desirable thing ever. Somehow our spirits and attitudes are looking up. I mean hey, I get to have the missionary story about being in-active from church for a few months in the mission field. Definitely has been the most unexpected missionary experience I never thought I would have. What a story for the kids.
   Real quick I think I should tell you guys I know how to spin a basketball on my finger for at least 20 seconds. I also know how to bridge shuffle cards. Yeah, I'm getting pretty skilled. Girls, girls, one at a time please. 
  Alright enough joking around, here's what we were just told by our Mission President via Zoom with the whole mission:
- An estimated 10,000 missionaries will be reassigned to missions in the U.S and Canada. There's only 124 missions in the U.S so you can imagine the chaos. Currently in the Alabama, Birmingham mission we have 160 missionaries. That number will increase to 291 missionaries within the next 3 transfers or 5 months. This will probably guarantee I'll be getting a new companion next transfer. 
- We originally had only 10 zones, but then we moved down to 5 huge zones. Now we are going back to 10. We potentially will open 60 new areas and or double the amount of missionaries in an area. 
- As far as new missionaries go, they will come at the exact same pace as usual. The only difference about it is that since temples are closed worldwide, some of the new missionaries won't be endowed when they come out. They'll receive their endowment in the mission field once the temples reopen. 
- Our time for the missionaries currently in the field has not changed. I will still serve all 24 months of my mission unless the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ happens or another worldwide pandemic storms the Earth. 
- You may be wondering, how do you get housing to fit all those missionaries coming in? President noted that we will be using extended-stay hotel rooms because the church has a hookup for some hotel businesses. Of course they do. 
- And lastly, President Allred also joked but really hinted that the Prophet and Elder Bednar may make a visit to our mission in the soon coming future. 

Alright, that's all I got. What a weird time to be a missionary, I say it everyday. 

Love y'all

Elder Batman

Monday, April 13, 2020

Still In This Mess

Days in quarantine are like days going by in solitary confinement, you don't know what day it is or how much time has passed. It's been one of the weirdest experiences of my life trying to stay sane and disciplined during a time like this. I'm still in great spirits and trying my best to have a good attitude, safe to say that none of the Elders I'm staying with have tried to kill each other yet. We are all just trying to do missionary work while playing a different game on a different map. I've resorted to an email every two weeks because of the lack of cool stuff happening in this mess, here's what I got for the last two weeks:
-We contacted a few members trying to give them a spiritual thought or two. That's been a tough one for sure, not a lot of people answering. I'll get back to you when something happens there. 
-Got a referral who wants to have us do a Book of Mormon read with them, we're getting that setup for this coming week. 
-Lots and lots of cards game. That will always be a constant activity happening, we all enjoy it here. I know I said last email that we are starting to get sick of them, but that was a lie. We are still grinding them out whenever we can, which is a lot. 
-Finished my first toothpaste tube on my mission, so that's pretty awesome I guess. Getting close to the deodorant stick being done too, now that'll be a special day. 
-Did you know there are 410 bathroom tiles in the men's restroom at the church in Foley? Well hey, now you know. I counted. 
-Oh yeah, it was my birthday yesterday which was on Easter, that was a little different from the daily routine. I got a call from our mission president in the morning saying happy birthday as well as a call from the AP's who sang it to me. Also got a cake made from one of the members in our ward because our ward is amazing. I did open my presents earlier in the week because that's when I received them, they were all wrapped up in a box. I got a Batman tie, a box of Sour Patch Kids and a hair cutting cape and apron because I tend to do that a lot on my mission for other people. Anyway, it was a great birthday, thanks to all who did anything for it. 
- I'm kinda feeling like writing something spiritual, so here ya go. My mission president refers to this current predicament that we are in as our own "Personal Liberty Jail." If anyone has read D&C section 121-123, they know that Joseph Smith was going through some of the worse of the worst. He prayed continually to Heavenly Father for help and comfort during such a time, and in this moment, one of most beautiful scriptures is spoken by God to Joseph Smith saying "My son (And daughter), peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment. And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes" D&C 121: 7-8
The key phrase there is to 'endure it well' and if we do that God will pour a blessing on us that will shape us more and more into what we can become. Trials are imminent, you can't escape them, they will happen. "Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction." -Isaiah 48:10. God is forging us into what He knows we can become through hard, tedious and crappy situations. We must endure them well, they are for our good. 

Alright, I'll hop off my soap box and stop writing this email. Catch you guys in 2 weeks.

Love y'all 

Elder Batman