Sorry, I don't have much to report on this week so I'll just give you some unneeded filler information real quick:
Since we have a lot of extra time, I've kinda just been deep doctrine diving from any church source I can get my hands on. I read a lot of responses to Anti-Mormon material so I can best combat those attacks myself. Also recently just got into reading Saints which is fantastic, loving that book so far. We also like to make Facebook attempts by going into Bible Lover's group pages and asking thought provoking questions and then message the people that respond. There's a lot of other things that we do, mostly call the people on our list of referrals and nonmembers and just annoy the heck out of them until they get baptized.
Oh yeah, I have the shingles now. What a joy that is. I don't even know how I got it, I wouldn't say I'm particularly very stressed at this point in time, I've been vaccinated, I don't think I've been around anybody who has had it recently. I got no clue. All I know is it kinda eats rocks. Its all over my left arm going around my back. The worst of it is just the joint pain which makes it so I can't lift anything with my left arm without a lot of pain. The shingles themselves though, all the red blisters things, they don't really hurt all that bad. Just an annoying pulsating feeling. I do have to take 5 pills a day so that's not so fun but it's okay. I've heard a lot worse situations involving shingles and pain. Mine is just super inconvenient (like it could ever be convenient) because I'm on my mission. I'll be alright though, I'll just bite the bullet for a little while.
That's all I really got. Of course there's the service we do at the thrift stores and puppy barns, but there wasn't much that was interesting to note there. Just the same old. I do apologize for this email, its lame for sure. Count on next time to be better, because I definitely am.