Yeah, I'm still in the MTC as of right now, but in no way is that a bad thing. I'm surprising myself with how much I'm having fun and enjoying myself right now, I guess the schedule isn't all that bad after all. Obviously there's a few parts of the MTC that fricken suck. Here's a short list I've compiled:
-The breakfast is so wack. It's the same serving of scrambled eggs and soggy hash browns, but then it's the sausage. They try and give us some "variety" in our breakfast and all they mean by that is they change the shape of the sausage from logs to patties, then back to logs. So yeah, breakfast kinda blows.
-My feet hurt all the dang time. Dress shoes are cool and all, but they are not as freeing as that of a sneaker or something. It doesn't help that I rolled my ankle playing football the other day, but dress shoes kinda suck.
-Workshops, OH MY do I hate workshops. Workshops aren't just like regular class, they are a waste of an hour and a half talking about the use of bookmarks in Gospel Library app. My companion and I fall asleep almost every time.
These were just a few things, but there are for sure more.
I know last time I talked about what happened day-by-day but I don't really feel like doing that right now so I'll just give you a little run down.
-Whole lotta class. Sitting in a modern-style classroom learning new teaching methods. I enjoy class most of the time, especially when it's taught by Sister Olsen because she is an absolute Goddess, an angel from Heaven. Fun story about her real quick, we did a role-play in class where she had me as an investigator and she was teaching me. She invited me to church at the end of her fake lesson and asked what way she can contact me. I just said "Can I get your number?" BOOM. Classroom went ballistic, "Elder Batman you legend." She's blushing, I'm blushing. Obviously it was a joke and she thought it was hilarious too, but it was real awkward after that for a little bit.
-TRCs. Basically just teaching paid investigators the first discussion in Preach My Gospel and praying to God it goes well. It's still nerve racking even now after I've already done like four of them, they haven't gotten that much easier yet. A few of the lessons I actually killed it and the spirit was on fire, but I gotta work on making sure that happens every time.
-Devotionals. New Years was this week so we got spoken to by a member of the seventy. I don't really remember his name, but his talk was phenomenal. It was about repentance and the real reason we need to do it. I don't feel like going into details so I'll just leave it at that. I think I already mentioned in last week's email that Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke to us and David Archuleta sang to us, but if you didn't know now you do.
-Funny dorm stuff. My district is super dope so we do a lot of funny things together and have really odd conversations. We started this new initiation which is basically confess of all past sins and transgressions and then you're in. Wasn't my idea and it was super awkward at first, but we came to realize VERY quickly that every one on our floor is human and not perfect. There are some real players in the MTC and that's all I'll say to that. My roommates and I are really bad at getting to bed at 10:30 like we are supposed to. I mean, we are in bed but we talk till like 12:00 or 1:00 AM and its really fun and allows us to learn more about each other so I've really enjoyed it. Oh, and on New Years we did stay up for it and some guy got a bunch of poppers from Dollar Tree or something so we just threw those in the air and that was it. Also we had party hats and little blower things, so that was lit. I don't know, there's a lot of funny things that go on, I just can't think of all them while sitting in this computer lab. Maybe next week I'll remember, we'll see.
Anyway, MTC has been a great experience and I'm only a week away from getting shipped out to Alabama like an Amazon package. Definitely a little nervous because I'm not super confident in my teaching ability but I don't think anyone is so I'll be alright.
Love you all,
Elder Jackson Q. Batman

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