Monday, March 30, 2020

The Fallout

 You're gonna have to forgive me for my laziness in writing an email last week, I've just been so busy with doing absolutely nothing I couldn't fit it in the schedule. 
Okay, I shouldn't say "nothing", we have been doing something. I guess I should mention first that our mission is completely quarantined and not permitted to leave our apartment. Luckily, I get the luxury of being able to go to the church to enjoy the wifi for Facebook and calling the fam. But yeah, we've been given the Fallout treatment, acting like the world is completely infected and dangerous. I mean, it is dangerous, don't get me wrong, but its blown a little bit out of proportion. Like the other day at Walmart, I made a stupid joke about the world ending and this woman heard me say it and said "This isn't a joking matter. It's real s***." 
Oh 😳, okay. My bad.
I'll give a run down of the oh-so productive week real quick:
- We just work with technology as much as we can and it has been hard, I'll be honest. It is difficult trying to communicate with our investigators because they are already busy with caring for their own families at home trying not to die by the dark plague. We're giving it our best, but it's been rough for sure.
- So many fricken card games, holy heck. Exploding Kittens, Unstable Unicorns, Goat Lords, etc etc. There comes a time when you've played enough of all the games you have and I feel like we are getting very close to that point. Only so many games you can play before it becomes not so fun anymore. We will preservere. I'll let you know now, I can shuffle cards and do the whole bridge thing really well now. 
- Pretty much just staring at my hand. 

Alright, that's kinda all I got. We are allowed to watch a select few Disney Movies and a lot of Church movies, so that's fun and all. We definitely expect to be in this scenario for a long time soooooo, til next week.

Elder Batman

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